Tuesday, March 4, 2008

the Big Ass Book of Crafts vs. Archeoastronomy.

Yes, these were my two features in Home Style for March.

"The Big Ass Book of Crafts," written by Mark Montano (a real life TLC celebrity!!) is totally rad. Mark is a designer on "While You Were Out" and hosts "10 Years Younger" (which I have watched in closed captioning while sweating on a cross-trainer in a perhaps futile attempt to never be one of Mark Montano's guests- at least not on that show.) ANYWAY, this is an awesome craft book, not in a Martha Stewart way, meaning you don't have to spend $400 just to think about a craft nor do you have to wear ironed jeans as you weild your glue gun. There are lots of wacko, fun, cheap ideas and the coolest thing is that Mark has done them all himself and is excited for you to do them too. Plus, he's cute, NOT TO MENTION he will be in Richmond on March 8 (THIS Saturday) at Tinker's furniture upholstery signing books from 2-4 pm. Read my article/blurb about it HERE. (Side note. Crafts are not really a super-great idea for me, personally. I have tried stained glass, basketweaving, pillow making, scrapbooking, crotcheting and collage. While these things are fun, the products i have produced are not so pretty and all of the supplies take up a looottt of closet space. Also, I have mainly done these things as a way to avoid writing, which is a bad, bad idea. But that's just me.)

Followed naturally by Sun Drawings & Archeoastronomy. This was one of the most interesting interviews/articles I've ever done because it really stretched the meagre fiber of my brain. We are talking science, physics, alchemy and ARCHEOASTRONOMY (a term I had never even heard before 2 months ago)!!! This is not my forte, but it was so interesting I couldn't turn back. I'm not going to try to recreate the explanations I managed to peice together in my article, because you can read them HERE, but let's just say this stuff is high-tech and beautiful. Janet Saad-Cook, whom I tracked down for an intuitive tarot reading (she is a very talented psychic- multi-task central!) has built her Sun Drawings all over the world. She has been hired by NASA. She works with astronomers. She acts like the sun is a good friend, and for her, it is. She has in a sense, lassoed the sun. At least she knows how to work with it and turn it into bright colors and make it dance. And that, my friends is pretty cool.

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